The KidWonder Party Experience
Linda Vista
WonderBlast Celebration
2-hour private party
20 Kids/ 40 guests total
Tables & chairs provided
Party Hosts
Clean up
Select the package and additional add-ons available!
$25 per additional guests
Create-Your-Wonder Party
3-hour private party
30 Kids/ 60 guests
Tables & chairs provided
Party Hosts
Set up/ Clean up
Themed paper goods
Select the package and additional add-ons available!
$25 per additional guests
Exclusive WonderFest
3-hour private party
40 Kids/ 80 guests total
Tables & chairs provided
Party Hosts
Set up/Clean up
Custom Themed Design and Decorations
Paper goods & table cloths to fit the theme.
Party Host
Additional add-ons available!
$25 per additional guests
Extra Gym Time
(30 Minutes)- $99
Balloon garlands, arches, or displays - $300 and up
Spider Man- $375
Other Characters Varies, LOTS OF OPTIONS!
Piñata (filled)- $120
Mimosa bar
(up to 20 adults) - $300
Yes for $25 each additional guest
Yes all guests count towards your guest count.
Yes, please bring whatever food and drinks you desire, we do not provide any, but all is welcome! Catering, taco bars, ice cream carts, the world is your oyster! Please ask for our catering recommendations etc.
We have an indoor room we use during bad weather.
Open gym time, staff led games and birthday activities, food and cake in party area, open presents if you wish!